As we enter the last stretch of the nationwide lockdown that was announced, some educational institutions have already declared summer vacations. Since all students are essentially under home quarantine we compiled a list of free online resources for education and entertainment.
In our previous list of resource for college students, there were music, dance, exercises and art. This time, take a computer science course being offered for by NearLearn.
Online courses
NearLearn categorized and published a list of best courses that you can use to enhance your skills during the lockdown. For instance, learn more about data analysis and how it ties into the Development Goals. We, too, has compiled a list of courses for students to attend during lockdown. NearLearn has always had live certificate courses but this is the first time that they have put out entire courses for 50 percent off.
NearLearn -This has multiple interactive courses that walk you through the basics of coding. Whether for data science, web development, fullstack-java, .net or just to satisfy your curiosity about the ones and zeroes that make the world run, NearLearn has multiple interactive courses for you.We are providing computer science courses with 50 percent off . You can access study notes, PowerPoint slides and syllabus for free. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development.
Read Books
Read on curious facts about epidemics like why researchers think rats were unfairly villainized during the Black Death, the bubonic plague that reduced Europe’s population to a fraction of its size in the fourteenth century.
The course teaches you to evolve from a passive listener to one that appreciates the complexity of a musical piece.
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has put up a list of audio and video resources in its newly created section Culture in Quarantine. Give in to the quarantine theme and watch an enactment of William Shakespeare’s ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ or ignore the reel drama and listen to an audio one by BBC’s own New Creatives Drama.
NearLearn™ is an Ed-tech brand registered under the company NEAR AND LEARN PRIVATE LIMITED. We offer specialization courses in Machine learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Python, Big Data, Blockchain, Reactjs and React Native, Migrating Application to Aws Training, Aws SysOps Administrator in Bangalore. Here you will get Classroom Training and Online Training. We aim to help Freshers, Corporate, Software Engineers, Individuals to get knowledge into their minds through their hands-on projects and realtime training.
Source- https://bit.ly/32nxjF2