How to find out React is high on the agenda for lots of JavaScript developers for this year. The recent State of JS survey has shown that several developers are content with React for making fashionable internet applications. However, thanks to its quality and job demand, there are still many JavaScript developers who want to learn React. During this guide, I need to allow beginners a comprehensive summary of a way to approach learning React while not obtaining distracted or flooded by alternative topics on the way.
There is not any way to learn one thing the simple way. You have got to be patient. That applies for developers too. Personally, that's why I like being a developer, because there will be always something new to learn. If you stay curious, you will not be disappointed while becoming a developer. Learning is always a challenge, a challenge to hone your skills, if challenge and skill at hand are in balance. That's why it takes time to learn React as well.
However, React does not have a steep learning curve when following one simple rule: Learn React, only React step by step, and don't let yourself distract from other tech on this journey. JavaScript and React are evolving constantly, because both stay innovative and want to stay relevant in the future too; so learn and keep up with them first before learning anything else on top of it. I have heard success stories from developers who went from not knowing React js to getting offered a React job at a company from a few days to a few months. On the job they got the chance to learn more about all the other fancy technologies that come along with React.
"I had a job interview coming up where I was asked to complete a project in React. I sat down on a Saturday and worked through The Road to Learn React and on Sunday I completed my project with plenty of time left before my interview Wednesday. In one weekend I went from 0% to 80% comfortable working independently in React.
There are a couple of tech stacks that people want to learn with React straightaway. I want to pick up a few of them and give a brief explanation why it isn't a good idea to marry them with React while learning it:
Learn React with TypeScript? No way, learn React first before converting JavaScript to a typed language. Not only the vanilla JavaScript code will be typed with TypeScript, but also your React components and everything that comes with them. It will become a mess and overwhelming when you haven't learned React itself from scratch. Also 99% of the React tutorials and courses out there are not written in TypeScript, so it makes things more complicated than easier.
Learn React with Redux? Redux is a popular state management library for JavaScript. Again, learn React and its built-in state management first before reaching out to a sophisticated external state management library which is meant to be used in large scale and complex applications. React already comes with plenty of tools to handle state in your application. The vast majority of React applications out there doesn't even need Redux or any other state management library. Learn how to deal with the state in React first before throwing another library on the problem. Redux makes React more complicated for beginners.
Learn React with Gatsby? Gatsby.js got quite popular in the recent time. It's the go-to solution for creating static websites such as personal websites, blogs and landing pages. However, Gatsby comes with its own learnings such as GraphQL, its large plugin system, and the problems coming with server-side rendered React applications. So don't mistake Gatsby.js for having an easier time learning React. It makes writing static websites with React easier, but not learning React itself.
These were only a few things React beginners tend to associate with React when starting out with it. There are definitely more of them. However, they will not make the learning experience easier. In contrast, you will have to learn two things instead of one. So start out with React first before learning anything on top of it. Learn one thing at a time.
Why should I learn React?
Why do you want to learn React in the first place? Beginners know about all the shiny modern libraries in JavaScript but often don't ask themselves why they need them. They may only know that they are in huge demand by companies and jobs. However, sometimes it makes sense to backpedal to the question: Why do I need this?
It doesn't only apply to React, but to all the other libraries and frameworks you will learn in your life as a developer. What problem does it solve for me? Too often people throw libraries on top of their tech stack without experiencing the problem in the first place. That's why I believe it is a great learning expertise to implement the identical application with vanilla JavaScript and React. It demonstrates you which of them drawback the new library is determination for you. Identical technique may be applied once deciding whether or not you wish to find out React or another solution cherishes Vue or Angular. Build a basic application with the solutions of your choice and compare you’re the event experience. Enroll with NearLearn online and classroom training with 100 % placement support.